
SLA Junior Seminar 05: This is London

This is London

Have you ever been to London before? I have not, but through reading this book, I feel like as if I'm in there. In this book, there are so many section about London, for example history, sightseeing, shopping, pub, places kind of like bar or casual restaurant, and so on. The most attractive thing of the contents is the pub. In Japan pub has kind of obscene meanings but simply, in London, it is very enjoyable place to drink, so if I have a chance to go there, I want to experience the mood, environment of it. In addition, I also want to ride tube, train running under the  ground,  because that is paperer so many movies that is focusing on London, for example, Harry Potter, Bone series, and Sherlock Homes.


SLA Junior Seminar 04: True Heroes of Sports

True Heroes of Sports

 Some people in the world of sport are heroes only because they are the best at their sport. But the sportsmen and women in this book - Pele, Magic Johnson, Jennifer Capriati, Ellen Mac Arthur and others  - are true heroes of sport not only because they are champions, but because they live through bad times and learn to be stronger people through sport.

 This book has so many stories about atheists from very famous people like Babe Ruth to others. There are so many atheists all over the world, and we only know the name of them and their speciality, but sometimes we don't have some informations of backgrounds of them. Through reading this book, we can know that and why they chose the sports as a speciality. That is relating some situations and environment when they were young. If you are interested in, please read it.

Fitzgerald, Donatella. True Heroes of Sports. (2002). Oxford: Oxford University Press


SLA Junior Seminar 03: Emma


 Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She lives alone with her father, and spends a lot of her times thinking about future husbands - for her friends. When she meets Harriet Smith, a poor girl with no family, Emma decides that she must find a husband for her. Harriet is pleased to be Emma's friend - but will Emma's matchmaking make Harriet happy? 

Maybe all you know Jane Austen who is the author of this book Emma. We learned him and his novel in the last semester and that's why I interested  in the book and I decided to read it. But first of all, it is a little bit hard for me to read Emma, because there are so many characters and the plot of the story is about people's love for someone, I mean, I'm not good at read romans story. So if you like the kind of the book, I recommend to read, but you similar to me, I don't.

Austen, Jane. Emma. (2002). Oxford: Oxford University Press

SLA Junior SeminarⅡ 12: Hercules

Hercules Hercules is the strongest man in the world, but one day he does something very bad. The priestess at Delphi tells him: 'The god...